STRIO – Disposable Vape Pen – Delta8/Sativa-Blue Dream – 950mg


Expect to experience a thrilling and soothing luxurious feeling while using this Delta 8 THC vape pen. Nothing captures the spirit of blueberry and candy the way this Blue Dream Disposable CBD Vape Pen from Strio does. Strio takes pride in adhering to stringent manufacturing regulations. The industrial hemp used in processing is cultivated naturally in the United States. Since this substance contains 0.03 THC, there is little or no psychoactive effect; only pure, unadulterated cannabis. Strio’s disposable Delta 8 THC vape pen is designed for those who really appreciate quality experiences as this is one of the core values within their mission. Additionally, if you have a sweet tooth, you’d find yourself right at home with this device.

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